Wir danken Ihnen herzlich für Ihre fortwährende Unterstützung. Wir haben festgestellt, dass einige SIGMA 24-70mm F2.8 DG DN II | Art-Objektive im Weitwinkelbereich unter Umständen nicht auf unendlich fokussieren können oder eine reduzierte Fokussiergenauigkeit aufweisen.Wir möchten Sie darüber informieren, dass wir ab heute eine kostenlose Nachjustierung der Fokusposition anbieten. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dieses Phänomen...Continue Reading
SIGMA Corporation (CEO: Kazuto Yamaki) is pleased to announce that it is exhibiting at IBC 2024 (Amsterdam RAI / Hall 12 – 12.D55), a professional imaging equipment exhibition in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, which opens from 13 September to 16 September. This year, under the theme of „Rediscovery“, the SIGMA booth will include a range of features that will...Continue Reading
Thank you for using SIGMA products.We are pleased to announce that the firmware update for SIGMA’s Sony E-mount lenses is now available for download.Continue Reading
Thank you for using SIGMA products.We would like to announce that a firmware update for the SIGMA 18-50mm F2.8 DC DN | Contemporary in L-Mount is now available for download.Continue Reading
Thank you for purchasing and using our products.We are pleased to announce that the download of firmware for SIGMA’s Sony E-mount, which had been suspended, has resumed.Continue Reading
SIGMA Corporation (CEO: Kazuto Yamaki) is pleased to announce the upcoming launch of interchangeable lenses for Canon RF Mount system. This addition allows users to enjoy high performance, and high quality SIGMA lenses in native mount on their Canon RF Mount system.Continue Reading